My favorite childhood movies, have been completely altered and I probably can never watch them with the same feeling again. In Ashenputtel, the step-sisters cut their heel and big toe off, then at the end birds poke their eyes out. But my favorite movie as a kid was, Snow-white and The Seven Dwarfs. And yes, the Grimm brothers version is much more gore. Snow-whites mother dies (as in most of these fairytales), then the step-mother thinks that the huntsman killed her, and brought back her heart (really a wild boar's heart), still she actually eats it thinking it was human. As the end when Snow-white gets married they have "red-hot iron shoes, in which she had to dance until she fell down dead" ready for the evil step-mother. Let me say, original fairytales are: sad, evil, full of cannabilism, tricksters, and gory (some versions even have bestiality), nothing like the happily ever after disney portrays.
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The Class Text |
where can i find some of the original fairy tale books, i would like to read them also.
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